Identification is Key. There are six categories of hard surface floor covering: natural stone, concrete, ceramic/clay, wood, resilient and specialty. Within these categories are numerous classifications that require different cleaning methodologies. By knowing what the flooring material is, a proper floor maintenance program can be developed.
Use Walk off Mats. The number one enemy of flooring materials is soil because of the damage caused by eroding the surface of the floor, keeping it out is paramount to a successful program. Studies indicate that five feet of walk off mat will reduce 33 percent of the soil entering into a building, and 25 feet of walk off mat will reduce almost all of the soil entering a building.
Spot Mopping. Slip and falls are a significan challenge with hard surface maintenance. Spills should be removed as soon as they occur. When a spill occurs, cordon off the area with wet floor signs, placards, cones or tape, remove the spill with appropriate cleaning solution, wet mop, bucket and wringer and dry the floor completely with floor fan before leaving the area.
Daily/Routine Maintenance. Reducing or eliminating the soil that gets past the walk off mats on a daily or routine basis is the best way to reduce the damaging effects caused by erosion to the floor surface. This is accomplished with the dry service procedures (sweeping, dust mopping or microfiber cloth systems and vacuuming) followed by wet service procedures (spot, damp, and wet mopping) using the appropriate cleaning solutions in conjunction with mop buckets and wringers ,microfiber cloth systems or automatic scrubbing machines in large open areas.
Periodic and Restorative Maintenance. Professional floor maintenance technicians are the best choice for the periodic and restorative maintenance of hard surface flooring. Because of the number of categories and classifications of hard surface flooring available, mistakes can be made. A certified floor maintenance technician will know how to identify and provide the proper floor maintenance solutions.
- $0.75 per square foot. Includes pre-treating and scrubbing grout lines and steam cleaning. $150 minimum per service call.
- Be sure to ask about grout sealer as well .10 cents per sq. ft..